Class Composer


public class Composer extends Object
Many programming languages have a function for composing functions; here is an attempt to make the most of the concept in Java. One limitation here is that to take advantage of the strong typing in Java we have to generate a large number of functions with different signatures. The ideal grammar of compose is that the first argument is a Supplier, Function, or BiFunction. In the middle there could be an arbitrary number of functions, at the end there either a Function, Consumer, or Predicate. That gives 9 basic forms, and these could be extended to some length N of intervening functions. A challenge with this idea is that a lambda function like x -> -x can be alternately be treated as a Consumer or a Function and one like x -> x == 15 can be treated as as either a Function or a Predicate so for this to work we have to change the name of the function. To support, say N=10 this is a job for code generation.
  • Constructor Details

    • Composer

      public Composer()
  • Method Details

    • compose

      public static <A, B, X> Function<A,B> compose(Function<A,X> f1, Function<X,B> f2)
    • compose

      public static <A, B, X1, X2> Function<A,B> compose(Function<A,X1> f1, Function<X1,X2> f2, Function<X2,B> f3)
    • compose

      public static <A, B, X1, X2, X3> Function<A,B> compose(Function<A,X1> f1, Function<X1,X2> f2, Function<X2,X3> f3, Function<X3,B> f4)
    • compose

      public static <A, B> Supplier<B> compose(Supplier<A> f1, Function<A,B> f2)
    • composeVoid

      public static <A, B> Consumer<A> composeVoid(Function<A,B> f1, Consumer<B> f2)
    • compose

      public static <A, B, X, C> BiFunction<A,B,C> compose(BiFunction<A,B,X> f1, Function<X,C> f2)
    • composePredicate

      public static <A, B> Predicate<A> composePredicate(Function<A,B> f1, Predicate<B> f2)
      Function<X,Boolean> is ambiguous with Predicate<X> so we need to change the name of this function so it doesn't conflict with ordinary compose.
      Type Parameters:
      A - input type
      B - inner type of predicate
      f1 - first function
      f2 - second function, a predicate
      true or false depending on predicate
    • composePredicate

      public static <A, B, X> BiPredicate<A,B> composePredicate(BiFunction<A,B,X> f1, Predicate<X> f2)