Source code for gastrodon

Gastrodon module header

import re
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter
from collections import deque
from functools import lru_cache
from sys import stdout,_getframe
from types import FunctionType,LambdaType,GeneratorType,CoroutineType,FrameType,CodeType,MethodType
from types import BuiltinFunctionType,BuiltinMethodType,DynamicClassAttribute,ModuleType,AsyncGeneratorType
from typing import Dict,GenericMeta,Match
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display_png
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
from pyparsing import ParseResults, ParseException
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Literal, BNode, RDF
from rdflib.namespace import NamespaceManager
from rdflib.plugins.serializers.turtle import TurtleSerializer
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor import SPARQLResult
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parser import parseQuery,parseUpdate

from import Store
from rdflib.term import Identifier, _castPythonToLiteral, Variable

# types that could not reasonably be expected to be serialized automatically to RDF terms in a SPARQL query.


_var_regex=re.compile('[?$]([%s0-9][%s0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*)' % ((_pncu_regex,)*2))
# a modified version of the PN_LOCAL regex from the SPARQL 1.1 specification with the percentage and colon
# characters removed,  as this is used to tell if we can tell if a full URI can be safely converted to a QName
# or not
_valid_tail_regex=re.compile("[%s0-9]([%s.]*[%s])?" % (_pncu_regex,_pnc_regex,_pnc_regex))

# % (
#     PN_CHARS_U_re)

[docs]class GastrodonURI(str): """ This class is used to wrap a URI that is passed from Gastrodon to Pandas and back again. `GastrodonURI` subclasses `str` It keeps track of both a shortened URI (if a namespace is given) and the full URI, so we can roundtrip this object out of the table and back into a SPARQL query without a chance of a short name being mistaken for an ordinary string. """ def __new__(cls,short,uri_ref): return super().__new__(cls,short) def __init__(self,short,uri_ref): self.uri_ref=uri_ref
[docs] def to_uri_ref(self) -> URIRef: """ :return: an RDFLib :class:`rdflib.URIRef` """ return self.uri_ref
[docs]class QName: """ This class represents a qualified name. This class makes it easy to write qualified names, without ambiguity, in Python variables that later get substituted into SPARQL variables. If ``@prefix bibo: <>`` is declared for an Endpoint, and one writes in Python ``objectType=QName("bibo:AcademicPaper")`` then the SPARQL variable ``?_objectType`` will be replaced with a URI Referemce ``<>`` for queries inside the scope in which `_objectType` is local. Note that if you simply wrote ``objectType="bibo:AcademicPaper"`` the value substituted in SPARQL would be just the string ``"bibo:AcademicPaper"`` If one wants to write a URI Reference as a full URI, simply use the `URIRef` class from rdflib, ex. ``objectType=URIRef("")`` :param name: qualified name of the form 'prefix:localname', such as 'rdf:type' """ def __init__(self,name:str):
[docs] def toURIRef(self,manager:NamespaceManager) -> URIRef: """ Convert to URI Reference :param manager: :class:`rdflib.namespace.NamespaceManager` used to resolve namespace :return: A :class:`rdflib.URIRef` """ if ":" not in return None head,':',1) for prefix,ns in manager.namespaces(): if prefix==head: return ns+tail return URIRef(
[docs]class GastrodonException(Exception): """ Gastrodon-specific exception. The primary features of this is that it defines the method `_render_traceback_` which controls the way the exception is drawn in IPython. :param args: positional arguments for `Exception` :param kwargs: keyword arguments for `Exception` """ kwargs:Dict={} def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super().__init__(*args) if "lines" not in kwargs: kwargs["lines"]=args[0].split('\n') self.kwargs=kwargs def _render_traceback_(self): return self.kwargs["lines"]
[docs] @staticmethod def throw(*args,**kwargs): """ Throws a new :class:`GastrodonException` with the following positional and keyword arguments while suppressing the context of the :class:`Exception` to enable short error messages in Jupyter :param args: positional arguments for Exception :param kwargs: keyword arguments for Exception :return: does not return """ raise GastrodonException(*args,**kwargs) from None
[docs]class Endpoint(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ An Endpoint is something which can answer SPARQL queries. `Endpoint` is an abstract base class and cannot be instantiated on its own. Current implementations include a :class:`RemoteEndpoint` via the SPARQL protocol or a :class:`LocalEndpoint` provided by rdflib. :param prefixes: Graph object with attached namespace mappings to be applied to the new :class:`Endpoint` :param base_uri: base URI to control the base namespace of the :class:`Endpoint` as we see it. """ qname_regex=re.compile("(?<![A-Za-z<])([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9.-]*):") def __init__(self,prefixes:Graph=None,base_uri=None): self.prefixes=prefixes self.base_uri=base_uri if prefixes!=None: self._namespaces=set(map(lambda y: y if y[-1] in {"#", "/"} else y + "/", [str(x[1]) for x in prefixes.namespaces()]))
[docs] def namespaces(self): """ Display prefix to namespace mapping. Produces a Pandas `DataFrame` that looks something like this ====== ============================== prefix namespace ====== ============================== bibo ```` cc ```` dbo ```` ... ... ====== ============================== where `prefix` is the index of the dataframe so you can look up a namespace like ``endpoint.namespaces().at['bibo','namespace']`` :return: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` describing the prefix to namespace mapping used for this endpoint """ prefix = [x[0] for x in self.prefixes.namespaces()] namespace = [x[1] for x in self.prefixes.namespaces()] frame = pd.DataFrame(namespace, columns=["namespace"], index=prefix) = "prefix" return frame.sort_index()
[docs] def is_ok_qname(self, url): """ Many :class:`URIRef`\s can be resolved to a namespace and written as a short name (QName), except when special characters such as parenthesis and colon are in the localpart of the domain. In that case, the :class:`URIRef` should be rendered in RDF as an absolute URI (ex. ``<>``). :param url: a URIRef or a str for a URL :return: true if the URIRef can be safely resolved to a namespace in short form. """ x = str(url) pos = max(x.rfind('#'), x.rfind('/')) + 1 prefix = x[:pos] suffix = x[pos:] if not _valid_tail_regex.fullmatch(suffix): return None return prefix in self._namespaces
[docs] def ns_part(self, url): """ Given a URI like ```` return the namespace part of the URI, which would be ```` This is based on the syntax of the URI, not the declared prefixes associated with this URI. :param url: URIRef or string URL :return: namespace part of URL as string """ x = str(url) return x[:max(x.rfind('#'), x.rfind('/')) + 1]
[docs] def local_part(self, url): """ Given a URI like ```` return the localname part of the URI, which would be ``AcademicArticle`` This is based on the syntax of the URI, not the declared prefixes associated with this URI. :param url: URIRef or string URL :return: localname part of URL as string """ x = str(url) return x[max(x.rfind('#'), x.rfind('/')) + 1:]
[docs] def to_python(self, term): """ Convert a simple rdflib `term` into a idiomatic Python object. A simple rdflib term is entirely self-contained; either a literal value or a signifier (a Resource) floating in space, without consideration of other facts in the graph. For RDF literals and blank nodes, behavior is exactly the same as the `toPython` method, which this encloses. URIReferences are wrapped in `GastrodonURI` objects which look like short names (QNames) inside Jupyter and Pandas, but remember the full URI if they are later used with Gastrodon. This is a method of an `Endpoint` as opposed to a static method or method of a `term` wrapper because the exact resolution to a QName is relative to the namespaces defined for that `Endpoint`. :param term: an RDFLib Node object :return: a Plain Ordinary Python Object except for URI References which are returned as GastrodonURI """ if term==None: return None if isinstance(term, URIRef): if self.prefixes !=None and ("/" in term.toPython() or str(term).startswith('urn:')): if self.base_uri and str(term).startswith(self.base_uri): return GastrodonURI("<" + term[len(self.base_uri):] + ">", term) if self.is_ok_qname(term): try: return GastrodonURI(self.short_name(term), term) except Exception: pass return term return term.toPython()
[docs] def short_name(self,term): """ Assuming we've made the following namespace declaration on this endpoint, ``@prefix bibo: <>`` and given a URI like ```` this returns ``bibo:AcademicArticle`` which can be used as a QName relative to the Endpoint. :param term: URIRef which can be expressed with a QName :return: the QName, as a string """ prefix, namespace, name = self.prefixes.compute_qname(term) return ":".join((prefix, name))
def _process_namespaces(self, sparql, parseFn): if self.prefixes != None: sparql = self._prepend_namespaces(sparql, parseFn) return sparql def _candidate_prefixes(self, sparql:str): return { for x in self.qname_regex.finditer(sparql)} def _prepend_namespaces(self, sparql:str, parseFn): # extract prefixes and base uri from the query so that we won't try to # overwrite them parsed = parseFn(sparql) (query_base,query_ns)=_extract_decl(parsed,parseFn) candidates=self._candidate_prefixes(sparql) for (q_prefix,q_uri) in query_ns.namespaces(): if q_prefix in candidates: candidates.remove(q_prefix) ns_section = "" if self.base_uri and not query_base: ns_section += "base <%s>\n" % (self.base_uri) for name,value in self.prefixes.namespaces(): if name in candidates: ns_section += "prefix %s: %s\n" % (name,value.n3()) return ns_section+sparql def _substitute_arguments(self, sparql:str, args:Dict, prefixes:NamespaceManager) -> str: def substitute_one(m:Match): if name not in args: return return self._to_rdf(args[name], prefixes).n3() sparql = _var_regex.sub(substitute_one,sparql) return sparql def _to_rdf(self, value, prefixes): if not isinstance(value, Identifier): if isinstance(value, QName): value = value.toURIRef(prefixes) elif isinstance(value, GastrodonURI): value = value.to_uri_ref() else: value = _toRDF(value) # virtuoso-specific hack for bnodes if isinstance(value, BNode): value = self._bnode_to_sparql(value) return value def _bnode_to_sparql(self, bnode): return bnode def _normalize_column_type(self,column): if not all(filter(lambda x:x==None or type(x)==str,column)): return column try: return [None if x==None else int(x) for x in column] except ValueError: pass try: return [None if x==None else float(x) for x in column] except ValueError: pass return column def _dataframe(self, result:SPARQLResult)->pd.DataFrame: columnNames = [str(x) for x in result.vars] column = OrderedDict() for name in columnNames: column[name] = [] for bindings in result.bindings: for variable in result.vars: column[str(variable)].append(self.to_python(bindings.get(variable))) for key in column: column[key] = self._normalize_column_type(column[key]) return pd.DataFrame(column)
[docs] def decollect(self,node): ''' :param node: a URIRef pointing to an rdf:Seq, rdf:Bag, or rdf:Alt :return: a Python List, Counter, or Set of POPOs ''' survey=self.select_raw(""" SELECT ?type { VALUES (?type) { (rdf:Seq) (rdf:Bag) (rdf:Alt)} ?s a ?type } """,bindings=dict(s=node)) types=self._set(survey) if RDF.Bag in types: return self._decollect_Bag(node) return self._decollect_Seq(node)
def _decollect_Seq(self, node): items=self.select_raw(""" SELECT ?index ?item { ?s ?predicate ?item FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?predicate),"")) BIND(xsd:integer(SUBSTR(STR(?predicate),45)) AS ?index) } ORDER BY ?index """,bindings=dict(s=node)) output=[] for x in items: output.append(self.to_python(x["item"])) return output def _decollect_Bag(self, node): items=self.select_raw(""" SELECT ?item (COUNT(*) AS ?count) { ?s ?predicate ?item FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?predicate),"")) BIND(xsd:integer(SUBSTR(STR(?predicate),45)) AS ?index) } GROUP BY ?item """,bindings=dict(s=node)) output=Counter() for x in items: output[self.to_python(x["item"])]=self.to_python(x["count"]) return output def _decollect_Seq(self, node): items=self.select_raw(""" SELECT ?index ?item { ?s ?predicate ?item FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?predicate),"")) BIND(xsd:integer(SUBSTR(STR(?predicate),45)) AS ?index) } ORDER BY ?index """,bindings=dict(s=node)) output=[] for x in items: output.append(self.to_python(x["item"])) return output def _set(self,result): columnNames=result.vars if len(columnNames)>1: raise ValueError("Currently can only create a set from a single column result") that=columnNames[0] output=set() for bindings in result.bindings: output.add(bindings[that]) return output @abstractmethod def _select(self, sparql,**kwargs) -> SPARQLResult: pass @abstractmethod def _construct(self, sparql,**kwargs) -> Graph: pass @abstractmethod def _update(self, sparql,**kwargs) -> None: pass
[docs] def select(self,sparql:str,**kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Perform a SPARQL SELECT query against the endpoint. To make interactive queries easy in the Jupyter environment, any variable with a name beginning with an underscore (eg. ?_var or @_var) in the SPARQL query will be replaced with an RDF serialized version of the variable (eg. var) in the python stack frame of the caller. If you call this in a Jupyter notebook, it sees all variables that are accessible from the cells in the notebook. If you call it inside a function definition, it sees variables local to that definition. :param sparql: SPARQL SELECT query :param kwargs: any keyword arguments are implementation-dependent :return: SELECT result as a Pandas DataFrame """ result = self.select_raw(sparql,_user_frame=3,**kwargs) frame=self._dataframe(result) columnNames = {str(x) for x in result.vars} parsed=_parseQuery(sparql) group_variables=_extract_group_by(parsed) if group_variables and all([x in columnNames for x in group_variables]): frame.set_index(group_variables,inplace=True) return frame
def select_raw(self,sparql:str,_user_frame=2,**kwargs) -> SPARQLResult: """ Perform a SPARQL SELECT query as would the select method, but do not convert result to a DataFrame, instead return the original SPARQLResult :param sparql: SPARQL SELECT query :param kwargs: any keyword arguments are implementation-dependent :return: result as a SPARQLResult """ return self._exec_raw(sparql,self._select,_user_frame,**kwargs)
[docs] def construct(self,sparql:str,_user_frame=2,**kwargs): """ Perform a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query, making the same substitutions as the select method. Returns a Graph :param sparql: SPARQL SELECT query :param kwargs: any keyword arguments are implementation-dependent :return: result as a Graph """ return self._exec_raw(sparql,self._construct,_user_frame,**kwargs)
def _exec_raw(self,sparql:str,operation,_user_frame=1,**kwargs): try: sparql = self._process_namespaces(sparql, _parseQuery) except ParseException as x: lines= self._error_header() lines += [ "Failure parsing SPARQL query supplied by caller; this is either a user error", "or an error in a function that generated this query. Query text follows:", "" ] error_lines = self._mark_query(sparql, x) lines += error_lines GastrodonException.throw("Error parsing SPARQL query",lines=lines,inner_exception=x) if "bindings" in kwargs: bindings = kwargs["bindings"] else: bindings = self._filter_frame(_getframe(_user_frame)) sparql = self._substitute_arguments(sparql, bindings, self.prefixes) try: if "_inject_post_substitute_fault" in kwargs: sparql=kwargs["_inject_post_substitute_fault"] result = operation(sparql, **kwargs) except ParseException as x: lines= self._error_header() lines += [ "Failure parsing SPARQL query after argument substitution. This is almost certainly an error inside", "Gastrodon. Substituted query text follows:", "" ] error_lines = self._mark_query(sparql, x) lines += error_lines GastrodonException.throw("Error parsing substituted SPARQL query",lines=lines,inner_exception=x) except HTTPError as x: lines= self._error_header() url_parts = urlparse(x.geturl()) lines += [ "HTTP Error doing Remote SPARQL query to endpoint at", self.url, "" ] lines.append(str(x)) GastrodonException.throw("HTTP Error doing Remote SPARQL query",lines=lines,inner_exception=x) pass return result def _mark_query(self, sparql, x): error_lines = sparql.split("\n") error_lines.insert(x.lineno, " " * (x.col - 1) + "^") error_lines.append("Error at line %d and column %d" % (x.lineno, x.col)) return error_lines def _error_header(self): return [ "*** ERROR ***", "", ]
[docs] def update(self,sparql:str,_user_frame=1,**kwargs) -> None: """ Performs a SPARQL update statement with the same substitutions as the select method :param sparql: SPARQL update query, as a str :param _user_frame: Number of stack frames to look back to find variables; defaults to 1, which gets variables from the caller, 2 gets them from the caller of the caller and so forth :param kwargs: dependent on implementation :return: nothing """ try: sparql = self._process_namespaces(sparql, _parseUpdate) except ParseException as x: lines = self._error_header() lines += [ "Failure parsing SPARQL update statement supplied by caller; this is either a user error or ", "an error in a function that generated this query. Query text follows:", "" ] error_lines = self._mark_query(sparql, x) lines += error_lines GastrodonException.throw("Error parsing SPARQL query", lines=lines, inner_exception=x) if "bindings" in kwargs: bindings = kwargs["bindings"] else: bindings=self._filter_frame(_getframe(_user_frame)) sparql = self._substitute_arguments(sparql, bindings, self.prefixes) return self._update(sparql,**kwargs)
def _filter_frame(self,that:FrameType): return { "_"+k:v for (k,v) in that.f_locals.items() if type(v) not in _cannot_substitute and not k.startswith("_") }
[docs]class RemoteEndpoint(Endpoint): """ Represents a SPARQL endpoint available under the SPARQL Protocol. :param url: String URL for the SPARQL endpoint :param prefixes: Graph containing prefix declarations for this endpoint :param http_auth: http authentication method (eg. "BASIC", "DIGEST") :param default_graph: str URL for default graph :param base_uri: str for base URI for purposes of name resolution """ def __init__(self,url:str,prefixes:Graph=None,user=None,passwd=None,http_auth=None,default_graph=None,base_uri=None): super().__init__(prefixes,base_uri) self.url=url self.user=user self.passwd=passwd self.http_auth=http_auth self.default_graph=default_graph def _jsonToNode(self, jsdata): type = jsdata["type"] value = jsdata["value"] if type == "uri": return URIRef(value) if type == "typed-literal": return Literal(value, datatype=jsdata["datatype"]) if type == "literal": return Literal(value) if type == "bnode": return BNode(value) return None def _jsonToPython(self, jsdata): return self.to_python(self._jsonToNode(jsdata)) def _bnode_to_sparql(self, bnode): return URIRef(bnode.to_python()) def _update(self, sparql,**kwargs): that = self._wrapper() that.setQuery(sparql) that.setReturnFormat(JSON) that.setMethod("POST") result = that.queryAndConvert() return def _wrapper(self): sparql_wrapper = SPARQLWrapper(self.url) sparql_wrapper.user=self.user sparql_wrapper.passwd=self.passwd if self.default_graph: sparql_wrapper.addDefaultGraph(self.default_graph) if self.http_auth: sparql_wrapper.setHTTPAuth(self.http_auth) return sparql_wrapper
[docs] def peel(self,node): """ Copies part of a graph starting at node, copying all facts linked at that node and continuing this transversal for each blank node that we find. :param node: URIRef starting point :return: Graph object containing copied graph """ output = self._peel(node) nodes=all_uri(output) used_ns = {URIRef(self.ns_part(x)) for x in nodes if x.startswith('http')} ns_decl = [ns for ns in self.prefixes.namespaces() if ns[1] in used_ns] for x in ns_decl: output.namespace_manager.bind(*x) return output
def _peel(self, node): output = Graph() query = """ SELECT (?that as ?s) ?p ?o { ?that ?p ?o . } """ items = self._select(query, bindings={"that": node}) bnodes = set() q = deque() urins = set() while True: for x in items["results"]["bindings"]: s = self._jsonToNode(x["s"]) p = self._jsonToNode(x["p"]) o = self._jsonToNode(x["o"]) if isinstance(s, URIRef): urins.add(self.ns_part(s)) if isinstance(p, URIRef): urins.add(self.ns_part(p)) if isinstance(p, URIRef): urins.add(self.ns_part(o)) output.add((s, p, o)) if isinstance(o, BNode) and o not in bnodes: bnodes.add(o) q.append(o) if not q: return output # note that the detailed behavior of blank nodes tends to be different in different triple stores, # in particular, although almost all triple stores have some way to refer to a blank node inside the # triple store, there is no standard way to do this. # # This works with Virtuoso but I tried a number of things that don't work (such as putting a list of # nodeId's in the form <nodeID://b506362> in an IN clause in a FILTER statement) or things that work but # are too slow (filtering on STR(?s)) items = self._select(query,bindings={"that":q.popleft()}) def _select(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) -> SPARQLResult: that = self._wrapper() that.setQuery(sparql) that.setReturnFormat(JSON) json_result=that.queryAndConvert() res={} res["type_"] = "SELECT" res["vars_"] = [Variable(v) for v in json_result["head"]["vars"]] column = OrderedDict() bindings=[] for json_row in json_result["results"]["bindings"]: rdf_row={} for variable in res["vars_"]: if str(variable) in json_row: rdf_row[variable]=self._jsonToNode(json_row[str(variable)]) else: rdf_row[variable]=None bindings.append(rdf_row) res["bindings"]=bindings return SPARQLResult(res) def _construct(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) -> Graph: result=self._select(sparql,**kwargs) S=Variable("s") P=Variable("p") O=Variable("o") neo=Graph() for fact in result.bindings: neo.add((fact[S],fact[P],fact[O])) return neo
[docs]class LocalEndpoint(Endpoint): ''' LocalEndpoint for doing queries against a local RDFLib graph. :param graph: Graph object that will be encapsulated :param prefixes: Graph defining prefixes for this Endpoint, will be the same as the input graph by default :param base_uri: base_uri for resolving URLs ''' def __init__(self,graph:Graph,prefixes:Graph=None): """ """ if not prefixes: prefixes=graph super().__init__(prefixes) self.graph=graph def _select(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) -> SPARQLResult: return self.graph.query(sparql) def _construct(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) -> Graph: return self.graph.query(sparql) def _update(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) ->None : self.graph.update(sparql) return
def _toRDF(x): lex,datatype=_castPythonToLiteral(x) return Literal(lex,datatype=datatype)
[docs]def ttl(g:Store): ''' Write out Graph (or other Store) in Turtle format to stdout. :param g: input Graph :return: nothing ''' s = TurtleSerializer(g) s.serialize(stdout,spacious=True)
[docs]def all_uri(g:Graph): ''' Returns the set of all URIRef objects inside Graph g appearing in the subject. predicate, or object position in any triple. :param g: input Graph :return: a set of URIRef objects for all URIRefs that appear in this graph ''' uris = set() for fact in g.triples((None, None, None)): for node in fact: if isinstance(node, URIRef): uris.add(node) return uris
[docs]def show_image(filename): ''' Embed a PNG image with a filename relative to the current working directory into an IPython/Jupyter notebook. :param filename: :return: nothing ''' with open(filename, "rb") as f: image = display_png(image, raw=True)
[docs]def inline(turtle): ''' Convert turtle-format RDF into a Graph :param turtle: str in Turtle Format :return: Graph with corresponding triples ''' g=Graph() g.parse(data=turtle,format="ttl") return LocalEndpoint(g)
[docs]def one(items): ''' In cases where a composite object has only a single element, returns the element. Element types currently supported are: DataFrame returns single element of a single row List (or object castable to list) returns only element of list :param items: a composite object :return: only member of composite object, otherwise throw exception ''' if isinstance(items,pd.DataFrame): if items.shape!=(1,1): raise ValueError("one(x) requires that DataFrame x have exactly one row and one column") return items.iloc[0,0] l=list(items) if len(l)>1: raise ValueError("Result has more than one member") if len(l)==0: raise IndexError("Cannot get first member from empty container") return l[0]
[docs]def member(index): ''' Return URIRef that (as ?predicate) states that ?object is the index(th) member of ?subject. :param index: non-negative integer index: :return: URIRef rdf:_N for N=index+1 ''' return URIRef("{:d}".format(index+1))
def _extract_decl(parsed: ParseResults,parseFn): ns=Graph() base_iri=None for decl in parsed[0] if parseFn==_parseQuery else parsed["prologue"][0]: if 'prefix' in decl: ns.bind(decl["prefix"],decl["iri"],override=True) elif 'iri' in decl: base_iri=decl["iri"] return (base_iri,ns) @lru_cache() def _parseUpdate(sparql): return parseUpdate(sparql) @lru_cache() def _parseQuery(sparql): return parseQuery(sparql) def _extract_group_by(parsed): main_part=parsed[1] if 'groupby' not in main_part: return [] if not all([type(x)==Variable for x in main_part['groupby']['condition']]): return [] return [str(x) for x in main_part['groupby']['condition']]